Everyday Color Palette

Fall is an awesome season in the landscape.

Plants are mature.

Perennials are finishing blooming for the season.

Evergreens, grasses, and plants with berries and stem color are comign to the forefront of the landscape as we head into winter.

Fall can also be a busy social season. School is back in full swing and schedules get busy with sports and activities that fill the calendar.

For those of us designing and installing landscapes, fall is nice because there isn’t the same pressure that comes with spring. Plants are going dormant, requiring less water to stay healthy. Nurseries are full with plants that are well-rooted and ready to be planted in the ground, which stays warm for a bit longer than the air temperature.

This season especially, with all that is going on, its nice to work with plants and landscapes that are establishing and will look great through winter, and be ready to pop when spring appears.

For now, I am drawing inspiration from the colorful moments and palettes that I find in everyday places.


Making Meadows


Designing for Wildlife AND beauty