Designing with Evergreens
Evergreens play an important role in the designed landscape.
They provide year-round screening and privacy and also maintain the structure of the landscape design in winter. Species like Southern Magnolia expand the framework for evergreens with their beautiful white flowers that have a lemon-soapy fragrance as they bloom in late spring.
There are varieties of Southern Magnolias ranging from full-sized trees that are 40-60 feet tall down to dwarf species in the 16-20 foot tall range.
One of the beautiful elements of all Southern Magnolias is their thick glossy foliage which have velvety brown undersides. The leaves are attractive year round and have a beautiful depth to them, making them stand out as individual plants and when grouped together.
They do well when planted in spring and get an entire growing season to establish before winter and you get to enjoy the flowers. If you have a spot in your landscape that could use some evergreen screens that can also serve as a focal point, consider in a Southern Magnolia might be a good addition this season.